Shaun Hamilton

Shaun and his dad.
The Early Years
When Your Partner Says #MeToo

Shaun speaks at Challenger HS
Passion For Art and Music
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The intended audience of Shaun's book, "When Your Partner Says #MeToo: Your Role and Responsibilities In Their Recovery Process," is individuals who are in a relationship with someone who has experienced sexual assault or abuse. This may include partners, spouses, family members, friends, or allies of survivors of sexual violence who want to provide meaningful support and care.
The book will also be of interest to professionals who work with survivors of sexual violence, such as therapists, counselors, advocates, or healthcare providers. They will benefit from gaining insights into the experiences and needs of partners of survivors and learning strategies to support them in their work.
Overall, the book is geared towards those who want to better understand how to support a survivor's recovery journey after experiencing sexual assault or abuse and learn how to be an effective ally in creating a culture of healing and justice.